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Datoteca:Mexican Sunflower Tithonia rotundifolia Flower 2163px.jpg

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Datoteca originala (2.163 × 1.959 pixels, grondezza da datoteca: 1,24 MB, tip da MIME: image/jpeg)

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Kameraposition40° 07′ 06,18″ N, 76° 25′ 38,83″ W Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Dieses und weitere Bilder auf OpenStreetMapinfo

Photograph of a Mexican Sunfloweren (Tithonia rotundifolia en ) cultivar. This flower is part of the 2008 Penn State horticultural garden.

Camera and Exposure Details:
Camera: Nikon D50
Lens: Sigma 70mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro
Exposure: 70mm (105mm in 35mm equivalent) f/13 @ 1/250 s. (200 ISO)
Funtauna Selbst fotografiert
Autur Photo by and (c)2008 Derek Ramsey (Ram-Man)
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You may NOT use this image on your own web site or anywhere else unless you release this image and any derivative works (which may include the web page or other medium where this image is used, if it is not considered a "collective work") by following the terms of the following license. Any other use will be considered a breach of copyright law. Please do not copy this image illegally by ignoring the terms of the license, as it is not in the public domain.

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In dieser Datei abgebildete Objekte

Motiv tudestg

Sonnenblume tudestg

Fotografie tudestg

Lizenz tudestg

GFDL-1.2 tudestg

Nikon D50 tudestg

40°7'6.182"N, 76°25'38.834"W

0,004 s

Blendenzahl tudestg


Brennweite tudestg

70 Millimeter

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data/tempMaletg da previstadimensiunsUtilisadercommentari
actual03:39, 1. sett 2008Maletg da prevista per la versiun dals 1. Settember 2008 las 03:39 uras2.163 × 1.959 (1,24 MB)Ram-Man{{Location_dec|40.118384|-76.427454}} {{Information |Description=Photograph of a {{MultiLink|Mexican Sunflower}} ({{BioLinkSpecies|Tithonia rotundifolia}}) cultivar. This flower is part of the 2008 Penn State horticultural garden. {{Ram-Man Camera 1 | ca

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