Utilisader discussiun:Terfili
@Terfili Salut tu parles romanche non ? Je veux te parler!
Maletg dell'emna
[modifitgar il code]Sali Terfili, sag mal, kannst Du es einrichten, dass das Maletg dell'emna in seinem Kasten zentriert dargestellt wird? Am besten nur das Bild und nicht der Text darunter. --Andreas (talk) 13:51, 28 avril 2013 (CEST)
- Du meinst auf der Pagina principala ? Da wäre ich dagegen; ich finde es in der jetzigen Grösse richtig. --Xenos (talk) 17:51, 28 avril 2013 (CEST)
- Er soll es ja nicht grösser machen, sondern nur in die Mitte rücken. Auf breiteren Bildschirmen sieht es blöd aus, wenn es so am Rand klebt. --Andreas (talk) 18:18, 28 avril 2013 (CEST)
- Die Welt unserer Missverständnisse wächst weiter. Ich dachte, du wollest das Bild verkleinern. --Xenos (talk) 14:35, 29 avril 2013 (CEST)
- Das können wir uns wohl erst leisten, wenn wir ein zweites "Content"-Feld auf der Hauptseite haben ("Schon gewusst" oder "Jahrestage"), sonst wirkt es ein bisschen leer. Aber wenn ich mit der Thematik Chalenders weitermache, kommt vielleicht eine kleine Überraschung. --Andreas (talk) 19:15, 29 avril 2013 (CEST)
- Die Welt unserer Missverständnisse wächst weiter. Ich dachte, du wollest das Bild verkleinern. --Xenos (talk) 14:35, 29 avril 2013 (CEST)
- Er soll es ja nicht grösser machen, sondern nur in die Mitte rücken. Auf breiteren Bildschirmen sieht es blöd aus, wenn es so am Rand klebt. --Andreas (talk) 18:18, 28 avril 2013 (CEST)
Die 1000 Artikel
[modifitgar il code]Guten Morgen Terfili. Zu erst Mal vielen Dank für Dein kontinuierliches Engagement auch auf der romanischen Vichipedia. Doch zur Sache: Ich habe gesehen, dass Du auf der Hauptseite die Liste 1000 wichtigsten Artikel verlinkt und eine Seite dazu erstellt hast. Ich hoffe nur, Du bist nicht gerade dabei, die Liste zu übersetzen. Das hab ich nämlich schon gemacht als ich das ganze Konzept mitsamt Vorlage erstellt habe. Nur war ich mit dem Ergebnis nie soweit zufrieden, dass ich sie aus dem BNR verschieben wollte. Du kannst Dich gern dort bedienen oder Seite einfach verschieben und bearbeiten. --Andreas (talk) 09:16, 1 avrigl 2015 (CEST)
- Auf der Hauptseite verlinkt habe ich es nicht, das warst du :) Gut, dass du es sagst, sonst hätte ich wirklich bald mit übersetzen angefangen. Ich verschiebe deine Übersetzung mal, verbessern kann man ja noch immer. Was jetzt auch noch gut wäre, wäre eine Liste der wichtigsten Artikeln zur Rumantschia, etwa wie die alemannischen Regionali Artikel.--Terfili (talk) 16:59, 1 avrigl 2015 (CEST)
- Stimmt, irgendwas hab ich da mal verlinkt. Du hast ja bemerkt, dass noch nicht alles stimmig ist. Ich sehe auch gerade, dass das nicht meine aktuellste Fassung ist. Werde das morgen oder spätestens zum Wochenende erledigen.
- Deinen Vorschlag zu Rumantschia-Liste finde ich gut. Habe den Gedanken auch schon länger und habe auch Xenos schonmal drauf angesprochen, aber bisher wurde nichts daraus. Ausserdem weiss ich nicht, ob eine Rumantschia- oder eine Graubünden-Liste besser ist. Mit genügend Ideen können es (später) auch mehrere Listen werden. Ich jedenfalls lese solche Listen auf anderen Wikis mit Interesse und stünde für sowas zur Verfügung. --Andreas (talk) 19:30, 1 avrigl 2015 (CEST)
- Man kann ja problemlos beides machen, wenn man Zeit und Lust hat. --Terfili (talk) 13:55, 2 avrigl 2015 (CEST)
- Antwort auf Deine Anfrage siehe bitte dort. Hättest eigentlich Vorschläge für die Liste regionaler Artikel? Mein Hauptproblem ist nämlich, dass ich nicht weiss, was genau drauf soll bzw. was nicht. Zum Beispiel "meine" Schriftsteller. Wer ist nun wichtig genug? --Andreas (talk) 19:02, 2 avrigl 2015 (CEST)
- Ich habe jetzt mal angefangen und einen Entwurf gemacht. Da müssen aber irgendwann die Romanen selber dran und entscheiden, wer und was wirklich wichtig ist. Von deinen Schriftstellern können sicher die meisten rein. Bei 1000 Artikeln sind das ja gar nicht so viele. --Terfili (talk) 09:18, 3 avrigl 2015 (CEST)
- Naja, auf der Schriftsteller-Liste sind zumindest für das Engadin auch Kleinstautoren, die kaum einer kennt, dafür fehlen für die Surselva bestimmt noch wichtige Leute. Es gibt im ANR auch noch eine kleinere, Auturs rumantschs, die im Dezember etwas überarbeitet habe.
- Super, dass Du jetzt eine Rumantschia-Liste angelegt hast. Ich bin einfach immer zu zögerlich ;) Allerdings würde ich die Ladinia- und Friaul-Themen weglassen, die gehören nicht wirklich zur Rumantschia. Auch hätte ich keine bestimmte Artikelzahl vorgegeben. Und Rumantschia schreibt mangross, ist ja ein Eiganname. Verschieben auf Artitgels davart la Rumantschia oder so? --Andreas (talk) 13:10, 3 avrigl 2015 (CEST)
- Hast recht, ich hab es gerade verschoben. Ich habe eben an 1000 Artikel in Anlehnung an die 1000 wichtigsten Artikel gedacht, dann hat man ein Ziel und auch eine Grenze. Am Anfang würde ich da eher inklusionistisch sein, wenn es dann mal fast 1000 sind, kann man ja immer noch welche rauswerfen :) --Terfili (talk) 03:36, 6 avrigl 2015 (CEST)
- Ich habe jetzt mal angefangen und einen Entwurf gemacht. Da müssen aber irgendwann die Romanen selber dran und entscheiden, wer und was wirklich wichtig ist. Von deinen Schriftstellern können sicher die meisten rein. Bei 1000 Artikeln sind das ja gar nicht so viele. --Terfili (talk) 09:18, 3 avrigl 2015 (CEST)
- Antwort auf Deine Anfrage siehe bitte dort. Hättest eigentlich Vorschläge für die Liste regionaler Artikel? Mein Hauptproblem ist nämlich, dass ich nicht weiss, was genau drauf soll bzw. was nicht. Zum Beispiel "meine" Schriftsteller. Wer ist nun wichtig genug? --Andreas (talk) 19:02, 2 avrigl 2015 (CEST)
- Man kann ja problemlos beides machen, wenn man Zeit und Lust hat. --Terfili (talk) 13:55, 2 avrigl 2015 (CEST)
VE newsletter
[modifitgar il code]Hi there! I noticed this edit of yours and I'd like to learn more about it. Thanks for your understanding, --Elitre (WMF) (talk) 19:01, 28 avrigl 2015 (CEST)
- I'm not Terfili, so I hope you don't mind me answering :) The entry was moved to the dedicated tech news page. --Andreas (talk) 23:47, 28 avrigl 2015 (CEST)
- Works for me ;)
I'll need to fix my Meta delivery list, then. Do you know how to do that for the other MassMessage delivery lists out there? If you don't change the target page on Meta, you'll always need to move such entries manually. --Elitre (WMF) (talk) 12:25, 29 avrigl 2015 (CEST)Nevermind, looks like this was already done. Thank you. --Elitre (WMF) (talk) 12:29, 29 avrigl 2015 (CEST)
- Works for me ;)
Community Wishlist Survey
[modifitgar il code]Perchè non avanzare qualche proposta a favore di tutte le lingue poco parlate, ma con una ricca letteratura? La tua proposta fatta alla pinta di seguire l'esempio dell'alemanno anche nel romancio potrebbe avere un avallo a livello plurilingue.Mizardellorsa (talk) 05:49, 10 november 2015 (CET)
Betreff der räteromanische Digimon Artikel
[modifitgar il code]Ich schreibe das eben auf deutsch also ich habe da bei auch ein Übersetzer benutzt und wenn der nicht das rätero wort nicht da war hatte ich das ita. Wort genommen habe. Habe ich schlecht übersetzt wenn ja wird das dann gelöscht ? seescedric (talk) 08:47, 29 november 2015 (CET)
- Hallo Seescedric,
- Du hast den deutschen Text eben Wort-für-Wort übersetzt, und Sprachen sind zu unterschiedlich, um so übersetzen zu können. Dein Text besteht darum aus lauter Wörtern, zum Teil rätoromanische, zum Teil wohl Italienisch, und dann noch deutsche Wörter dazwischen, aber grammatisch macht das alles keinen Sinn.
- Zum Beispiel den ersten Satz "Digimon ist der Titel einer Reihe von Merchandising-Produkten der Firma Bandai" hast du so übersetzt "Digimon ist la vaglia iner retscha davart da Merchandising-Products la interpresa Bandai," Korrekt müsste es wohl heissen: "Digimon è il titel d'ina seria da products da merchandising da l'interpresa Bandai". Falls du so wenig Romanisch kannst, musst du deinen Text eben von jemandem korrigieren lassen. Hier auf der Romanischen Wikipedia sind aber leider so wenig Rätoromanen am Werk, dass keiner hier den Artikel korrigieren wird. Ich habe den Artikel jetzt in deinen Benutzernamensraum verschoben: Utilisader:Seescedric/Digimon. Dort wird er nicht gelöscht, und falls du den Text mal korrigieren kannst, kann man ihn wieder in den Artikelnamensraum verschieben. Viele Grüsse, --Terfili (talk) 09:50, 29 november 2015 (CET)
- ok und wo kann ich das richtig sehen mit der gramatik da mit ich auch mit sinn übersetze weil ich finde da zur gramatik nichts danke könnstest du so viel räteromanisch odr mir einen link zur gramatik geben --Seescedric (talk) 10:37, 29 november 2015 (CET)
- Da weiss ich auch nicht genau, wo du dir die Grammatik aneignen kannst. Ich kenne nur den Curs da rumantsch grischun. Hier ist noch eine Grammatik, aber eher für Romanischsprecher. Falls du von Grund auf Romanisch lernen willst um Artikel zu schreiben, wird das etwas komplizierter als nur in einer Grammatik nachschlagen. --Terfili (talk) 14:15, 29 november 2015 (CET)
- ok und wo kann ich das richtig sehen mit der gramatik da mit ich auch mit sinn übersetze weil ich finde da zur gramatik nichts danke könnstest du so viel räteromanisch odr mir einen link zur gramatik geben --Seescedric (talk) 10:37, 29 november 2015 (CET)
- ok aber irgentwie müsste ich das igentwo auch lernen können weil zu jeder Sprache giebt es was wie ich die spache erlernen kann ich habe einen Kauderwelch zu Romantsch aber da ist gramatik nicht erklert --Seescedric (talk) 07:25, 30 november 2015 (CET)
- Oben habe ich ja schon auf den "Curs da rumantsch grischun" verlinkt. Der ist allerdings schon recht alt und scheinbar gibt es den auch gar nicht mehr zu kaufen. Auf der Webseite der Lia Rumantscha gibt es ein neueres Lehrmittel zu kaufen: "En lingia directa". Da musst du dich aber zuerst noch entscheiden, welches Rätoromanisch du lernen willst. Den Kurs gibt es für die Idiome, also Sursilvan, Sutsilvan, Surmiran, Puter und Vallader, aber scheinbar nicht für Rumantsch Grischun. Wenn du auf http://www.liarumantscha.ch/ rechts auf "Shop" klickst, findest du den Kurs unter "Bücher" und dann "Lehrmittel". Der Kurs hat zwei Teile, 1 und 2 und jeder Teil hat ein Kursbuch, Aufgabenheft, Grammatikheft und eine CD. --Terfili (talk) 14:00, 2 december 2015 (CET)
- ok aber irgentwie müsste ich das igentwo auch lernen können weil zu jeder Sprache giebt es was wie ich die spache erlernen kann ich habe einen Kauderwelch zu Romantsch aber da ist gramatik nicht erklert --Seescedric (talk) 07:25, 30 november 2015 (CET)
Kann ich das nicht auch per Internet lernen mit dem Satzbau ? Oderkannst du mir helfen mit der Übersetzung weil ich kann nicht schauen wie das Buch aussiehen(Probeseite ) und gibt hat das auch DE--> RM ? Google Übersetzer-Community gibt es auch das mit mithelfen kann wenn man Räteromanisch kann --Seescedric (talk) 16:26, 28 schaner 2016 (CET)
- Ich kenne sonst leider auch nichts, wo man online Romanisch lernen kann, tut mir leid. Und mein Romanisch ist selber nicht so super gut, dass ich dir da helfen könnte. --Terfili (talk) 03:13, 29 favrer 2016 (CET)
- Kännst du welche die räteromanisch können--Seescedric (talk) 13:38, 5 zercladur 2016 (CEST)
Peintre Viktor Lyapkalo
[modifitgar il code]Bien chér Terfili, bonjour et Bonne Année!
J'ai ouverte cette nouvelle page, et je te demande la gentilesse de 5 minutes pour la corriger, s'il te plaite. Je suis disponible pour t'aider en Italien ou Portugais! Merci beaucoup!!!
Rei Momo (talk) 11:38, 11 schaner 2016 (CET)
- Désole, mais moi-même je ne parle pas assez bien le romanche pour passer du temps à corriger des articles. Tant mieux si tu arrives à convaincre un romanchophone de le corriger, mais autrement arrête s'il te plaît de spammer des ébauches non-pertinents au romanche qui resteront à tout jamais très courts et linguistiquement fautives. Ce Wikipédia-ci en a déjà assez et nous passons déjà assez de temps de l'en purger! --Terfili (talk) 14:52, 12 schaner 2016 (CET)
- Merci pour ton reponse; comme tu peux voire l'article est engrandi par un romanchophone. merci encore pour ta reponse! Rei Momo (talk) 00:43, 30 schaner 2016 (CET)
Australian and Mexican states
[modifitgar il code]Why are those stub articles a problem?
Varlaam (talk) 14:45, 5 favrer 2016 (CET)
- A significant portion of articles here consists of low-content stubs, created by non-Romansh speaking users writing 1-2 sentences using a dictionary or even just their imagination about what Romansh looks like. Usually even within these small stubs, you can find at least one spelling or grammar mistake. Over the years, the Romansh community has repeatedly tagged these articles and tried to stem their creation. But since so few Romansh speakers are active here, versus a constant rotation of people writing stubs in questionable Romansh, they have just kept growing in number, lowering the quality of content and language here and making it harder and harder to keep up with reviewing and correcting articles. I am now trying to weed out at least the most redundant and linguistically questionable articles. The habit of people who speak absolutely no Romansh coming here just to create a stub about their native province, town, favorite singer, actress, whatever, and then expecting the handful of Romansh speakers to correct their poor Romansh, simple needs to stop. --Terfili (talk) 16:14, 5 favrer 2016 (CET)
Servus Terfili! Bitte den Artikel Salamanca nicht löschen. Ich lese mich gerade in das Thema ein und werde wohl was dazu schreiben. --Andreas (talk) 20:42, 2 avrigl 2016 (CEST)
- Hallo Andreas,
- Kein Sorge, wenn schon würde ich sowieso erst die Stub-Vorlage ein paar Monate drin lassen. Gelöscht habe ich vorerst nur die Stumpen, die schon seit Jahren von ihren Verfassern verlassen worden sind. Viele Grüsse, --Terfili (talk) 17:18, 7 avrigl 2016 (CEST)
[modifitgar il code]Hi Terfili, thanks for tell me about the grammar mistakes, I will look the pages and maybe ... maybe if it will possible create a new page using the same text I will create but inicially I will only update population figures. DARIO SEVERI (talk) 21:14, 4 Settember 2016 (CEST)
[modifitgar il code]- Hi Terfili, I just created the article Zagreb, using the text you corrected in the article Madrid. If you find this acceptable I'll use it to create more articles of European capitals. If you find that this bad ... I definitely stop. Best regards DARIO SEVERI (talk) 08:24, 11 Settember 2016 (CEST)
- I don't have time to check each one right now, but it looks correct as far as I can tell (I'm not fluent in Romansh either). I see that someone has already gone through them and corrected your incorrect use of the articles in front of country names. I guess if you create stubs for each capital, no one will mind. If you plan to create more stubs than that, you might want to at least ask at the Wikipedia:La pinta what the Romansh community thinks about that. A few years back for example, someone created stubs for all Swiss municipalities, and I think a few users back then weren't too happy. The IP that has been correcting your capital city stubs seems slightly irritated as well, from what I can tell from the edit summaries... --Terfili (talk) 02:57, 14 Settember 2016 (CEST)
- Hi Terfili, many of the articles that the IP corrected had been edited by other editors Belize[1], Barbados [2], Montevideo [3]], Berlin [4] ,including one by you, Bogotá [5]] and some were created by me. I am sysop on the Portuguese Wikipedia and we seek to encourage the editors there, guiding them to learn from their mistakes and become good editors. When I started on Wikipedia (pt) I made several errors, the Portuguese language is not my mother tongue, I learned and now I has articles created by me considered outstanding. We should encourage and not get irritated about new editors when they tried do their best. He corrected one word in articles created by me, well ... we can not expect that the articles come out perfect. ... Good luck on this Wikipedia. DARIO SEVERI (talk) 05:46, 14 Settember 2016 (CEST)
- Hi Dario,
- I think you’re overreacting a bit. Let me just explain the situation of the Romansh language a little bit. The speakers of Romansh number around 60,000. Slightly over half of that consider it to be the language they speak best. Probably even fewer of them can really write longer things in Romansh. Most Romansh can read their language, can write it too, but many of them just don’t use it in writing very often, because German is more dominant there (I once had a roommate who is from a village where 80% of the people speak Romansh, who grew up speaking Romansh, went to a Romansh school, and speaks Romansh with her entire family. But whenever she wrote text messages or e-mails to her family, she wrote in German, and when I visited her family's home one time, there were probably more things written in German there than in Romansh). The number of Romansh native-speakers who have ever been active here is probably below 100, and most of those who are sporadically active don’t seem very interested in correcting existing articles. This means that grammar errors will often remain uncorrected here for years. In fact, they will even spread sometimes. For example, a few years ago, a Spanish or Portuguese-speaking user created articles using the phrase “cunta cun”, which doesn’t exist in Romansh. Nobody was around to correct it. A few years later, you copied this sentence and started using it in other articles, because you assume that it is correct Romansh. The fact that the IP I mentioned has moved on from correcting your articles to older articles just shows how many old articles with poor grammar there are…
- Hi Terfili, many of the articles that the IP corrected had been edited by other editors Belize[1], Barbados [2], Montevideo [3]], Berlin [4] ,including one by you, Bogotá [5]] and some were created by me. I am sysop on the Portuguese Wikipedia and we seek to encourage the editors there, guiding them to learn from their mistakes and become good editors. When I started on Wikipedia (pt) I made several errors, the Portuguese language is not my mother tongue, I learned and now I has articles created by me considered outstanding. We should encourage and not get irritated about new editors when they tried do their best. He corrected one word in articles created by me, well ... we can not expect that the articles come out perfect. ... Good luck on this Wikipedia. DARIO SEVERI (talk) 05:46, 14 Settember 2016 (CEST)
- I don't have time to check each one right now, but it looks correct as far as I can tell (I'm not fluent in Romansh either). I see that someone has already gone through them and corrected your incorrect use of the articles in front of country names. I guess if you create stubs for each capital, no one will mind. If you plan to create more stubs than that, you might want to at least ask at the Wikipedia:La pinta what the Romansh community thinks about that. A few years back for example, someone created stubs for all Swiss municipalities, and I think a few users back then weren't too happy. The IP that has been correcting your capital city stubs seems slightly irritated as well, from what I can tell from the edit summaries... --Terfili (talk) 02:57, 14 Settember 2016 (CEST)
- When this Wikipedia was first started, there was a small but active group of Romansh speakers creating articles, and a few non-Romansh speakers creating hundreds of short articles full of grammar mistakes. Eventually, the Romansh users mostly became inactive without ever correcting all the errors. Who knows why, maybe they just got bored or became too busy. Or maybe they became frustrated with all the stubs being written in poor Romansh.
- Now let’s compare this to the Wikipedias in big languages like English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese. Those languages have millions of speakers, and millions of people who use it in writing every day. On those Wikipedias, there are tons of users who do nothing except correcting spelling and grammar mistakes. If I write something on the English or French Wikipedia and make a mistake, someone is probably going to come along and correct it. Even if not, it probably isn’t such a big deal because there are still hundreds of thousands of other articles with good spelling and grammar.
- I hope you can understand now why I don’t think it is all that positive if non-Romansh-speaking users create articles or add language content. The areas where we who are not fluent in Romansh can help are updating content like you have (and which I think is great), maintaining things like categories or templates, etc. If you’re enthuasiastc about adding more content rather than just updating numbers, images, and the like, then if I were you I would just post a quick note on the “Pinta” I linked to, asking if any Romansh speakers would like to proofread your edits. --Terfili (talk) 08:24, 15 Settember 2016 (CEST)
- Thank you for your long explanation. You were very kind. I'm editing in several other wikis mainly updating data and small corrections. I'll come here too. DARIO SEVERI (talk) 19:27, 15 Settember 2016 (CEST)
- Hello, as I had made the corrections you have mentioned I would like to explain my commentaries: In fact it would have been enough for D. Severi to have consulted pages 72-73 in this grammar of Rumantsch Grischun or page 2 in this one (I presume he can at least read Romansh, as it would be really senseless to try to create articles in a language you cannot even read) before beginning to write; it would in fact have been recommendable for him to have read through the whole of the second, shorter one (27 pages). After that, any person knowing some other Romance langages well should have got some feeling for what might be grammatically correct Romansh and what definitely not. Doing it the other way round, first writing and then waiting for others to correct him, he in fact contributed to the situation described by Terfili, where there are still lots of articles containing the most evident errors, which are then serving as inpiration for other users who erroneously think they my learn some Romansh by reading stubs on Romansh WP. We are not talking just about stylistically doubtful cases here, but about articles containing forms that are just blatantly wrong and that no-one with active competence of the language would have used; I mostly corrected only errors of this kind, and the fact that some of them had been about for the whole of 10 years even came as a surprise to myself. The articles corrected by me should not be considered written in good Romansh in their present state, they are just a bit less evidently wrong. The same is true for many other stubs that had been provisionally corrected by Terfili or Andreas in the past, often only correcting some errors and overlooking others. For example, in the Madrid article Terfili corrected the "cunta cun" but overlooked (I guess just accidentally) the wrong form of the article, and then D. Severi erroneously asumed that that article could be used as a blueprint for wrinting new articles and so began to spread the apostrophized form of the article before a noun beginning with a consonant, that had been about in the Madrid article since its ceation by a Spanish speaking user with little competence in Romansh in 2012, to a dozen or so of other articles, although by reading through one of the grammar books I cited he could have easily understood that the Madrid article just contained an error that no-one had noticed or bothered to correct until then. -- 23:35, 15 Settember 2016 (CEST)
- Hi, I initially edited this wikipedia updating population data, something I'm doing in dozens of other Wikipedias, but I noticed that in this Wiki there were not several articles on the main European capitals, so I decided to change my usual editing and create stubs, but I really was wrong to assume that the existing text in some of the articles could be used as a blueprint for wrinting new one. Thanks for your explanations. DARIO SEVERI (talk) 04:36, 16 Settember 2016 (CEST)
- Hello, as I had made the corrections you have mentioned I would like to explain my commentaries: In fact it would have been enough for D. Severi to have consulted pages 72-73 in this grammar of Rumantsch Grischun or page 2 in this one (I presume he can at least read Romansh, as it would be really senseless to try to create articles in a language you cannot even read) before beginning to write; it would in fact have been recommendable for him to have read through the whole of the second, shorter one (27 pages). After that, any person knowing some other Romance langages well should have got some feeling for what might be grammatically correct Romansh and what definitely not. Doing it the other way round, first writing and then waiting for others to correct him, he in fact contributed to the situation described by Terfili, where there are still lots of articles containing the most evident errors, which are then serving as inpiration for other users who erroneously think they my learn some Romansh by reading stubs on Romansh WP. We are not talking just about stylistically doubtful cases here, but about articles containing forms that are just blatantly wrong and that no-one with active competence of the language would have used; I mostly corrected only errors of this kind, and the fact that some of them had been about for the whole of 10 years even came as a surprise to myself. The articles corrected by me should not be considered written in good Romansh in their present state, they are just a bit less evidently wrong. The same is true for many other stubs that had been provisionally corrected by Terfili or Andreas in the past, often only correcting some errors and overlooking others. For example, in the Madrid article Terfili corrected the "cunta cun" but overlooked (I guess just accidentally) the wrong form of the article, and then D. Severi erroneously asumed that that article could be used as a blueprint for wrinting new articles and so began to spread the apostrophized form of the article before a noun beginning with a consonant, that had been about in the Madrid article since its ceation by a Spanish speaking user with little competence in Romansh in 2012, to a dozen or so of other articles, although by reading through one of the grammar books I cited he could have easily understood that the Madrid article just contained an error that no-one had noticed or bothered to correct until then. -- 23:35, 15 Settember 2016 (CEST)
- Thank you for your long explanation. You were very kind. I'm editing in several other wikis mainly updating data and small corrections. I'll come here too. DARIO SEVERI (talk) 19:27, 15 Settember 2016 (CEST)
- I hope you can understand now why I don’t think it is all that positive if non-Romansh-speaking users create articles or add language content. The areas where we who are not fluent in Romansh can help are updating content like you have (and which I think is great), maintaining things like categories or templates, etc. If you’re enthuasiastc about adding more content rather than just updating numbers, images, and the like, then if I were you I would just post a quick note on the “Pinta” I linked to, asking if any Romansh speakers would like to proofread your edits. --Terfili (talk) 08:24, 15 Settember 2016 (CEST)
[modifitgar il code]Sali Terfili, chasch do mol uf däre Syte luege, eb dr Titel vu dr Syte stimmt, un villicht au di erscht Zyylede ibersetze? Merci vylmol, --Holder (talk) 09:11, 17 favrer 2017 (CET)
- Ok hanni gmacht. Luut em Pledari Grond isch "Pressespiegel" ùff Rumantsch Grischun "Revista da pressa", drùm hanni die Syte verschoobe ùff Wikipedia:Revista da pressa. Merci für die Zämmestellig, miesst mer de no neume verlinke, wänn die Hilfe- ùn Gmeinschaftssyte emool organisiert werde...--Terfili (talk) 15:26, 17 favrer 2017 (CET)
à propos de Sarah Thonig
[modifitgar il code]Bonjour cher Terfili, Je vous écris pour dire bonjour et savoir comment vous êtes. Je suis assez bien, en alternant le travail agricole et les traductions Wikipedia. Quant à l'article, hier, j'étais enclin à vous écrire pour voir si vous étiez prêt à améliorer ou de le traduire, puis les engagements dans le domaine social, où je suis occupé, et je suis parti en attente. Ma faute, de ma faute, ici je me demande si vous pourriez aider à résoudre le nécessaire et si vous voulez travailler avec moi avec les échanges réciproques dans les traductions. Je peux vous aider en italien et en Sicilien, et vuos dans les langues que vous savez. eh bien, je dis que je vous remercie de l'avertissement, l'estimation et la patience que vous avez eu et vous avec moi. salutations de Calabre--Luigi Salvatore Vadacchino (talk) 14:19, 11 mars 2017 (CET)
- Bonjour Luigi ,
- Moi même je ne parle pas assez bien le romanche pour vraiment corriger des articles. Je le connais assez bien pour voir s'il y a des fautes et même pour écrire quelques phrases, mais je ne peux pas garantir que des fautes ne m’échappent pas. Et si je voudrais vraiment prendre du temps pour vérifier et corriger des choses, je pense que je le faisais pour des articles un petit plus centrales pour le romanche, et non pas pour des ébauches sur des thèmes qui n'ont rien à voir avec les romanchophones. Mais tu est le bienvenue d'essayer avec des autres utilisateurs qui ont le romanche comme langue maternelle: Categoria:Utilisaders rm-N. Bonnes salutations, --Terfili (talk) 11:01, 13 mars 2017 (CET)
Deletion request
[modifitgar il code]Hi Terfili, please delete this pages, that is no more used:
Is there a template to ask for deletion?
Now, the "magic prefix" to get itwikisource html of almost any page (I tested by now ns0, Index, Wikisource, Autore namespaces) is Itwikisource:
; so, given that needed script has been uploaded, you can browse a large list of Romansh text from this page: Itwikisource:Wikisource:Testi in romancio.
Any blue link into transcluded pages goes to a new self-transcluding page; on the contrary, red links open original itwikisource page. --Alex brollo (talk) 23:32, 4 avust 2017 (CEST)
- Hi, Alex brollo, the deletion template here is Model:Stizzar. --Terfili (talk) 17:11, 5 avust 2017 (CEST)
Notice for interproject transclusion
[modifitgar il code]Our "interproject transclusion" is really similar to "tranclusion" of shared File: pages, that can be viewed locally even if they are hosted into another project, Commons. In those pages there's the notice coming from MediaWiki:Sharedupload-desc-here, yours:
![]() |
Questa datoteca e las suandantas infurmaziuns provegnan dal deposit multimedia liber Wikimedia Commons. |
(please fix if you can the "red link" to Commons, it's disturbing!)
I think that notice for interproject trasclusion could be extremely similar, just replacing what needs to be replaced. Similarity of the two notices will suggest (appropriately) to users the similarity of how pages work. --Alex brollo (talk) 23:29, 12 avust 2017 (CEST)
- Yeah, that actually makes your idea of transclusion a lot easier to grasp. Hopefully after the summer, more users will comment on the discussion in the Pinta. --Terfili (talk) 08:47, 14 avust 2017 (CEST)
- Well, I just ended a big transcription work at it.wikisource (Itwikisource:Decameron), so it's time to convert the test script into something better. First goal will be to extend the stuff to mulwikisource (using a Mulwikisource: pseudonamespace); second one will be centralization of the script, and, if possible, something like a generalization of it, so allowing interproject transclusion from many wikisource project into many different projects. --Alex brollo (talk) 22:50, 19 avust 2017 (CEST)
- All has been rewritten, now the script is centralized at it.wikisource and it has been a little bit scaled, so that it can import from itwikisource, mulwikisource, enwikisource and frwikisource (here you are more interested about the former two for romanish texts, I guess). Presently project specific css isn't imported, it needs a little more work but I hope to get a good result into days.
- Just as before you can test the script adding to your common.js simply
importScript("Utilisader:Alex brollo/common.js");
. --Alex brollo (talk) 23:23, 21 avust 2017 (CEST)
- Well, I just ended a big transcription work at it.wikisource (Itwikisource:Decameron), so it's time to convert the test script into something better. First goal will be to extend the stuff to mulwikisource (using a Mulwikisource: pseudonamespace); second one will be centralization of the script, and, if possible, something like a generalization of it, so allowing interproject transclusion from many wikisource project into many different projects. --Alex brollo (talk) 22:50, 19 avust 2017 (CEST)
Thanks for thanking me about my recent edit but I dispute your charge of what you call my "unnecessarily charged edit summary". That is your opinion and, likewise, I also reserve the right to express my opinion on a subject of which I admittedly have very strong feelings and with very good reason too.
I have simply exercised my right to express my passionate hatred for an openly genocidal project whose sole aim is to eliminate Europe's indigenous population via the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan! Those vermin in Brussels make no bones about the fact that that is what they are doing. Meanwhile, you have the temerity to pull me up on the fact that I made a simple comment in my edit summary expressing my delight that my beloved country is now free from this genocidal communist tyranny?!
I didn't use any profanity. I simply spoke my mind and if you disagree with me speaking my mind then you are as much a tyrant as those globalist vermin in Brussels and Strasbourg! Give yourself a round of applause and a good pat on the back as well for being such a good little slave to that pond life and serving their evil agenda so perfectly!!!
- Hi Mike22r. Cool, have a nice day and watch your wording in edit summaries in the future. Cheers, --Terfili (talk) 23:22, 11 avrigl 2020 (CEST)
Saut à ski
[modifitgar il code]Bonjour,
Je suis contributeur sur la wikipedia en français notamment sur le saut à ski. Avec un contributeur anglophone, on cherche à établir la liste des records du monde et on a trouvé cet article. Pouvez-vous m'aider à comprendre ce qui est écrit. Merci ! --Shev123 (talk) 23:11, 28 november 2020 (CET)
- Bonjour @Shev123:,
- Malheureusement, l’article dans ton lien est écrit dans le romanche de l’Engadine (probablement en fr:Vallader, mais je ne suis pas sûr) et je ne comprends pas assez bien cette idiome pour te donner une résumée. Les utilisateurs qui parlent le Vallader ou le Puter sont rares ici, mais tu pourrais essayer de contacter Utilisader:Stichflamme ou Utilisader:Xenos.
- Bonnes salutations, --Terfili (talk) 00:02, 6 december 2020 (CET)
- Merci beaucoup pour ton message. Entre-temps, Utilisader:Andreas a traduit le texte en anglais ce qui nous a permis d'améliorer un article. Merci à vous deux ! --Shev123 (talk) 13:32, 6 december 2020 (CET)
Re: repassada dils artechels
[modifitgar il code]Allegra! Per la plipart èn pleds che hai chattà sin la Vichipedia o qua. Ho domandà a Andreas de repassar ils artechels meus dapi che stun emprendond :) Jau vegn a scriver cur che vegn a esser pli bon. --Sciking (talk) 19:56, 25 schaner 2021 (CET)
- Car Sciking,
- Il problem ei ch'el dat er'en biars artechels sbagls da lungatg pervia da persunas che scrivan artechels senza tschontschar bien il romontsch. Copiar d'auters artechels u d'in pledari basta buc sche ti enconuschas buc la structura dil lungatg. En il text survart has ti per exempel duvrau plaids ch'existan buc en romontsch (per exempel: meus), che han in'auter senz (per exempel "dapi" en liug da "perquai che"), e ti has emblidau da mettar ils pronoms (per exempel: "hai chattà" en liug da "jau hai chattà"), etc. Ti has schizun duvrau la tiarza persuna dil verb "avair" (ho) en Putèr en liug dalla emprima persuna en Rumantsch Grischun ("hai")! Jeu vuless buc decuraschar tei d'emprender quei lungatg, mo il fuss meglier d'emprender primarmein e da far repassar tut ils artechels en tiu userspace avon da publicar.
- Cars salids, --Terfili (talk) 00:23, 1 favrer 2021 (CET)
How we will see unregistered users
[modifitgar il code]Hi!
You get this message because you are an admin on a Wikimedia wiki.
When someone edits a Wikimedia wiki without being logged in today, we show their IP address. As you may already know, we will not be able to do this in the future. This is a decision by the Wikimedia Foundation Legal department, because norms and regulations for privacy online have changed.
Instead of the IP we will show a masked identity. You as an admin will still be able to access the IP. There will also be a new user right for those who need to see the full IPs of unregistered users to fight vandalism, harassment and spam without being admins. Patrollers will also see part of the IP even without this user right. We are also working on better tools to help.
If you have not seen it before, you can read more on Meta. If you want to make sure you don’t miss technical changes on the Wikimedia wikis, you can subscribe to the weekly technical newsletter.
We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.
Thank you. /Johan (WMF)
19:19, 4 schaner 2022 (CET)
Translation request
[modifitgar il code]Hi. Sorry to bother you but I would like to ask you whether you could please translate this to Alemannisch?
Lingua Franca Nova (“Elefen”) is a language designed to be particularly simple, consistent, and easy to learn for international communications. It has a number of positive qualities:
1. It has a limited number of phonemes. It sounds similar to Italian or Spanish.
2. It is phonetically spelled. No child should have to spend years learning irregularities.
3. It has a completely regular grammar, similar to the world’s creoles.
4. It has a limited and completely regular set of productive affixes for routine word derivation.
5. It has well-defined rules for word order, in keeping with many major languages.
6. Its vocabulary is strongly rooted in modern Romance languages. These languages are themselves widespread and influential, plus they have contributed the major part of English vocabulary
7. It is designed to be naturally accepting of Latin and Greek technical neologisms, the de facto “world standard”.
8. It is designed to seem relatively “natural” to those who are familiar with Romance languages, without being any more difficult for others to learn.
We hope you like Elefen!
Thanks for your help. --Caro de Segeda (talk) 08:46, 30 matg 2023 (CEST)
[modifitgar il code]@Terfili Hi Terfili! Please can you add the page for Tirana: https://rm.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tirana I created, to its corresponding Wikidata page. Thanks Jonipiri (talk) 12:49, 21. mars 2024 (CET)
- Hi Jonipiri. I have corrected the language mistakes you made in that article as a kind gesture. Now please don't write any more articles in Romansh and let native or fluent speakers add the content. No idea why you think it's useful to write a tiny article in a language you clearly can't speak or write in. --Terfili (talk) 10:00, 28. mars 2024 (CET)
[modifitgar il code]@Terfili Hi Terfili! I have also created an article for Durrës, the second largest city in Albania, and I wrote it correctly in Romansh, but I made a mistake at the infobox, when I copied the infobox from another article of a city, which was: "Template: lieu spagnol" but I changed it to "Template: citad". I want from you to delete the article and recreate it again with the samr corrected content. Then add it to Wikidata. I just wanted to create these two articles for these two major cities of Albania, since I am from Albania. I am a little fluent in Romansh, since it is a Latin language, like Italian and Spanish, which I understand these languages. Thanks Jonipiri (talk) 10:10, 30. mars 2024 (CET)